Prof. Maurizio Zollo, Bocconi University: Enterprise logic innovation and stakeholder value creation


Professor Zollo is the Dean’s Chaired Professor in Strategy and Sustainability at the Management and Technology department of Bocconi University and board member of the Center for Research in Innovation, Organization and Strategy (CRIOS). He is also visiting professor at the Sloan School of Management of the M.I.T. in the Management Science department.

His research work aims to understand how  business organizations learn to grow and adapt, and how managers can guide these evolutionary processes through the combined use of strategic growth initiatives and organizational change, innovation and learning processes. It focuses on the management of complex strategic initiatives, from M&A and partnerships to sustainability-oriented innovation and change efforts.

He is the author of over 50 publications in the last 12 years, including 38 academic articles and 3 books. The managerial insights from his research were featured in the Harvard Business Review, the McKinsey Quarterly, the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times, whereas the academic output is published in some of the most respected journals, such as AMJ, AMR, SMJ, Org. Science, JMS, ICC, Org. Studies, AMP, GSJ, Frontiers of Neuroscience and Research Policy. According to Google Scholar, his research received more than 9,000 citations to date.


Friday February 8th 14h00 - 18h00

Price: €60 - Package deal: 4 events for €175

(BIG DATA III, Maurizio Zollo, Ivanka Visnjic, Johan Bruneel)

Flanders Business School

Sint-Katelijnevest 26-28

2000 Antwerp